Mos Mosh approached us to help launch their first indipendant e-commerce destination. Being a small team they needed a site that was easy to maintain, made the best use of their content, and allowed them to get closer to their customer.
The Mos Mosh woman is a true follower of the brand, that likes to follow the brand’s journey. She is also a busy woman on the go, and therefore seeks guidance and inspiration when it comes to her fashion choices.
Striking a balance between pure commerce and inspirational content was of utter importance. We did so by creating two ways of shopping based on different needs - the fast lane for those who know what they are looking for, and the slow lane for those seeking inspiration.
The fast lane focuses on enhancing basic shopping functionalities and making them more conversational. These micro-interactions guide the user, giving a more human feel, but don’t clutter the experience or require additional content from Mos Mosh.
Featured product categories
Can be customised for each category and provide quick entries to curated product selections.
Colour Swatches
Provide quick previews and access to specific product variants.
Intuitive Add to Bag
CTA communicates product availability. The sticky buy bar follows the user down the page and enables the user to edit and add the item to the bag. The mini bag confirms that the item has been added to the bag and prompts the user to check out.
Complete look
Allows the user to quickly edit and add items from the main look, without having to leave the page.
The slow lane focuses on taking full advantage of the editorial content to provide inspiration and create most value for the customer. We wanted to make sure that you can buy the products at the very moment you are inspired to do so.
Get the look
We wanted to make sure that you can buy the products at the very moment you are inspired to do so, so we introduced a Get the Look functionality on photographic images, making it possible to see and quickly add all the different articles the model is wearing, even with several people in one frame.